How to Help
What can you do to help?
Our mission is simply to keep Brandy's memory alive and to tell her story in hopes that just maybe someone will learn from it. Maybe they will be compelled to cut dangerous people from their lives.
If you have seen or heard Brandy's story and feel compelled to reach out to her family or friends to send your condolences, I encourage you to do so. You can use the contact form on this site if you wish, and I can share your messages with her family. You can also reach out via our Facebook page, through email, or at our next vigil.
We do have a recommendation in case you wish to help make a difference for other families who experience such tragic loss.
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)
If you feel inclined to help in the way of donations, please consider helping one organization that has really helped Brandy's mom throughout all of this.
That organization is called Parents of Murdered Children (POMC). This organization does not have a lot of national attention but relies on donations to operate. Thanks for considering donating to them!
Learn more about them here: https://pomc.org/